Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~Norman Vincent Peale
[A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!]
By accident or not, this post is my 47th.
I was born on 4th of September.
My brother was born on 7th of February.
4 and 7 have always flown around me, lots of things have happened in my life that have to do with this numbers.If someone can love numbers, i will always love these two numbers.
And today is Christmas.
Happiness snowflakes, the smell of joy and warming laughs; that's how my 16th Christmas is.And i have all the right reasons to love it.Yet, as my life has slowly settled down and became more and more beautiful in the past 4 months, i have all the right reasons to love me at 16.I am waiting for one more thing...which might slowly come...
Dear Santa,
Thank you for the gift of going to the camp.You can't even imagine how many gifts this huge one hidded.Friends, hot chocolate, ski, snow, camp fire, good food, great music, hugs, kisses, dreams, endless nights of friendship and short days of fun,
philosophies of life, quotes...unforgetable moments which i will cherish forever.We were 7 teenagers and now we will forever be 7 friends.
I hope you will not forget about me next year neither...
Dear God,
Thank you for everything that you have brought to me.A year of happiness and sorrows, of laughs and tears, of good friends and caring family, lots of chances to learn more about me and wisdom.
And i shall be better and talk to you more often.And help the others more often.And read the Bible.And learn what is to be learned.
And may the next year bring me the love i need.
Thank you!