I'm terribly sorry that i have neglected you lately...
Honestly, i could find myself in the position of making this my "online diary".For the moment, i'll stick to sharing my opinions and not complaining about every little thing that has happened to me since my last post.God, it's a long time, right?School.This is the reason.But, don't worry, holiday's around the corner and i can't wait to be able to stick around here more often.Another bad news: i haven't taken photos of my outfts recently...i know i should have, 'cause, God, what an inspirationa i had:)),but i just was to absorbed by school.Again.It has it own good parts too.
For example, i have to do a project called "Holiday in the U.S.A.", so if anybody knows a lot about California or lives there, please, please, will you send me an email, telling me what beautiful things are there to visit?It's not that i don't have the Internet for this, but i prefer taking my information from you, readers, californians:).The same thing about Hawaii.Thanks a lot.
Expect an amount of pictures this weekend.Maybe at the end of the weekend:))At least i have two parties i'll go on in the next couple of weeks, some walks and gossip planned with the girls, and lots, but lots, of photos!!!in one word: FUN!!!If i'm lucky enough, my art teacher will take the photos i've sent her and use them in the exposition she's doing, themed "Childhood".
Wish me luck.
P.S.: A big Happy Birthday to Elenas and Constantins.La multi ani!
2 comentarii:
adorable photo, i love the tea candle :-) i can't wait for summer break either! i'm so ready for freedom from school.
Good luck with all your school work!
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