Winter epilogue



It’s strange how we connect, as humans.It’s amazing to find that one person some would call best friend, some soul mate and some an angel sent from God.It’s enchanting to share moments.And create memories.And even more amazing is to value that friendship, knowing that person will always be there for you and vice versa.Because you were meant to find each other in this world that can be so confusing an chaotic.You were meant to have like an imaginary wire keeping you close, even when you’re apart.Keeping you connected to each other.
Still, it’s painful watching that other person fade away.You know what’s going on, but you just can’t recognize the person you once knew.And it is just a phase or a changing mood, you have them too.And being apart for a while is acceptable, but you feel the changes.And, in a way, you want to preserve the person you once knew, and not let the world change her.You want the innocent beginning of the friendship, yet you love the dynamic of its complexity.
It’s useless to ask for such things.We all change.We are meant to change.Life happens.People adapt.Friends…are always on the other side of the wire, waiting for the changes to be over or to help.

2 comentarii:

Marie McGrath (The Joy of Fashion) spunea...

I really love this, its very thoughtful and inspirational... I feel so lucky to have the friends I have, and although we have gone through tough times, we have always remained together.

Andreea spunea...

Ruxandra, imi cer mii de scuze ca iti raspund abia acum la comentariul tau dragut.Am foarte multe pe cap de cand cu sesiunea si n-am avut foarte mult timp sa ma ocup nici de blog nici de comentarii.
Asadar, incep prin a-ti spune ca mi-ai facut o mare bucurie scriindu-mi si am vazut comentariul de atunci de cand l-ai trimis dar n-am fost in stare sa adun niste cuvinte ca sa pot sa-ti multumesc asa cum trebuie.Imi pare tare bine cand persoane ca tine(romance!!!!!) imi scriu.Indiferent ca e ceva pozitiv sau negativ, imi place sa pot intretine un dialog cu oamenii care traiesc aici si care pot sa aprecieze ceea ce fac sau nu, caz in care o critica constructiva este intotdeauna bine venita(aud tot felul de chestii pe strada, nu ma refer la badaranii d'alea:)))
Iar parul meu e o tampenie, tre sa ii fac ceva cat de curand ca ma scoate din sarite:))
Am sa-ti urmaresc si eu blogul incepand de acum si promit ca dupa ce scap de stres il iau la puricit fiindca imi place cum scrii!
Te pupicesc:*:*:*