Saturday morning.9am.
Spring sunny mornings seem to finally visit my lovely home.And what a would make the morning even better?Cooking.Something easy, yet delicious.And, hopefully, healthy.
And the feeling of excitement when you see the final result.And the feeling keeps growing when you eat it…
And so the morning just goes by…and here comes the afternoon filled with reading for a writing a new article for Telluric Season magazine.Apparently, when I get the working bug I end up spending half of my night awake.Working on what I have to do…
And so comes Sunday noon, with me and my family ready for a short trip to my grandparents in the countryside.The youngest member of the family surely enjoys the drive…
And here’s for the amazing sceneries and nature coming back to life,for seeing your family having a good time, for playing hide and seek with the cat and enjoying the game of light and shadows, for imagining clouds are tiny elephants or giant marshmallows.
9 comentarii:
Mmmm, ce bunatati! Cornuletele sunt desertul meu favorit!
Si poza cu pisica este foarte frumoasa!
It's lovely to see how a day of another person across the world plays out! Hope you have many more weekends like this:)
Love seeing bits and pieces of your day, thanks for sharing.
fotografii suberbe care ma duc cu gandul la copilarie...
chiar daca inca sunt un copil parca a trecut prea mult timp de cand am incetat sa ma bucur de natura, de zborul unui fluture, de toate lucrurile care ne inconjoara...
ar trebui sa stau si sa regasesc lucrurile minunate din jurul meu, in loc sa trec asa repede prin toate...
(scuze pentru comentariul lung... dar nu m-am putut abtine si am zambit din nou din adancul sufletului... multumesc :D)
you seemed to be having a lot of fun!!!
Love it :xxx
How about a new post..:-"..
Great snapshots of your day! Looks like a lovely day to me :)
Thank you for sharing the lovely photos! :)
I'm hosting a package exchange over at my blog. Please come join us! ;)
♥ Teresa ♥
- Pretty Dandy -
they look so great! Simple pleasures are the BEST!
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